THE JOURNEY – Paintings, Ceramic and Installation by andy.c, Claudia Shen, and Xin Wen

Opening Reception: Thursday October 24th, 2024  7 – 9pm


Exhibition: Oct 24 – Nov 8, 2024

Mon – Fri 10 – 5, Tue until 8pm


Featuring Painting, Drawing, Ceramic, Fibre Art, and Installation, by Richmond-based artists andy.c, Claudia Shen, and Xin Wen.

The three participating artists know each other and have all sought the meaning of life, the tenacious spirit of women, the feelings in interpersonal communication, and the influence of the social environment on them. They have made unremitting efforts on the journey of life and the road of artistic knowledge and invite the audience to help each other solve doubts.

Graduated from Emily Carr University of Arts + Design, andy.c has been practicing ceramic and arts in various media for over a decade. She is based in Richmond at the cameohome Studio. The Journey Exhibition surveys her Toface series of ceramics, drawings and tapestry, Universe 25 Series’ ceramics and Cycle of Essence: The Infinite Iteration Series’s drawings. Her works focus on women’s vulnerability and strength, societal and personal expectations on women, self growth, healing, and interconnectedness of life. There will be an interactive drawing wall inviting audiences’ participation.

Claudia Shen is a current Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) student at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. She is “keenly interested in emotions and the subconscious in psychology, which she expresses through her art. Her work conveys inner emotions, creates surreal scenes, and combines traditional materials with contemporary themes, reflecting a sense of contrast between tradition and innovation.” The Journey exhibition showcases her thought-provoking ceramics, installation and paintings.

Shen is a co-founder of One Percent Studio in Vancouver and currently lives in Richmond, BC. She received the “Award of Merit” in both the Fraser Valley Potters Guild’s 2022 Juried Show “Of the Earth” and the 2023 Juried Show “Transformation.” She also received a scholarship for the Medalta student residency program and had a duo exhibition, “Fire Imprint.”

Xin Wen (b. 1995, Kunming, Yunnan, China) is an artist who immigrated to Canada in the 2010s. She studied painting, drawing, and calligraphy in British Columbia and earned her BFA from Emily Carr University of Art + Design in 2020. Utilizing various mediums, including painting, collage, writing, digital sculpture, video, and music, Xin explores the impermanence in the experiences of everyday life. She has recently exhibited her work at the Bodhi Meditation & VGH UBC hospital foundation, ArtaDalian Art Gallery, Peeling State, ymanifesto, Lipont Gallery, and The Polygon Gallery.

Please inquire at 1 (604) 285-9975 during business hours or at

andy.c, Claudia Shen, 温欣绘画、陶艺、装置展


开幕:2024年10月24日星期四19:00 – 21:00



週一至週五10:00 – 17:00, 週二至20:00


【途】展出三位立足于列治文市青年艺术家 andy.c, Claudia Shen温欣的绘画、素描、陶瓷、纤维艺术和装置作品。


andy.c 毕业于艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计大学,十多年来一直从事陶瓷和各项媒介的艺术创作。她现居列治文市 cameohome 工作室。【途】展出了她的 【Toface 系列】陶艺作品、绘画和挂毯、【宇宙25 系列】陶艺作品和【 精华循环:无限迭代系列】绘画。她的作品关注女性的脆弱性和坚韧力量、社会和个人对女性的期望、自我成长、治愈和生命之间的相互联系。展览期间将有一面互动式绘画墙邀请观众参与。

Claudia Shen 是昆特兰理工大学艺术学士 (BFA) 的在读学生。“她对心理学中的情绪和潜意识有着浓厚的兴趣,并通过艺术表达出来。她的作品传达内心的情感,创造超现实的场景,并将传统材料与当代主题相结合,体现出传统与创新之间的对比感。” 【途】展现她发人深省的陶瓷作品、装置和绘画作品。Claudia是温哥华 One Percent Studio (无二陶瓷工作室)的联合创始人,目前居住在卑诗省列治文市。她获得了菲沙河谷陶艺协会 2022 年评审展“大地”和 2023 年评审展“变革”的“优异奖”。她还获得了 Medalta 学生驻留计划的奖学金,并举办了双人展“火印”。

温欣1995年出生于中国云南昆明,2010 年代移民加拿大。她在卑诗省学习绘画、素描和书法,并于 2020年获得艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计大学的美术学士学位。温欣利用绘画、拼贴画、写作、数字雕塑、视频和音乐等各种媒介,探索日常生活体验中的无常。她曾在Bodhi Meditation和 VGH UBC医院基金会、ArtaDalian艺术画廊、Peeling State、ymanifesto、Lipont画廊和 Polygon画廊展出她的作品。