彬彬之尔雅,亭亭以翼然 Elegant and Graceful, ink on paper, 15 x 11 cm, 2018
彬彬之尔雅,亭亭以翼然 Elegant and Graceful, ink on paper, 15 x 11 cm, 2018

Chen Pengju – Artist Biography

Chen Pengju, a native of Zhoushan, Zhejiang, was born in Shanghai. He studied for 8 years and worked for 13 years. In 1981, he passed the social recruitment exam and joined the Literary Department of the Shanghai Liberation Daily, where he served as a reporter and editor. He edited the “Morning Flower” supplement for 15 years.In 1995, he independently founded and has since been the editor-in-chief of the “Cultural Heritage” special issue.

He is the president of the Shanghai Collectors and Appraisers Association and the Shanghai Poetry Society. In 2005, he joined the Chinese Writers Association.

He has authored collections of classical Chinese poetry “The Collection of Huang Hui Wu Yang,” and essay collections “Misty Beauty,” “Nine People,” “Cultural Heritage Reflections,” and “Fenglitang Inscriptions.”

陈鹏举 – 艺术家简介



