Hai-Ping Lee

Hai-Ping’s love of art began in Taiwan, where as a child she learned the techniques of traditional Chinese painting, which includes using a special tapered brush dipped in black or coloured ink to draw on rice paper or silk.
Four years of professional training in oil painting followed high school before moving to Canada where she soon enrolled in the Vancouver School of Arts (now the Emily Carr University of Art and Design). By combining her traditional background with new painting methods, Hai-Ping created a unique approach to oil and watercolour. “I want westerners to see my Chinese background and training, so I use traditional methods and brushwork combined with western themes.




前任加拿大中華文化藝術總會會長( 2012-2016 ),加中藝術橋協會副會長,國際書畫藝術研究中心研究員。