Peace of My Mind – Art by Mingqian (Henry) Wang
Opening Sep 30 2-5pm
Exhibition: Oct 1 – 3, 11am-6pm
Organized by the BC Creative Center, the solo exhibition “Peace of My Mind” by Vancouver’s young artist, Mingqian (Henry) Wang, will open at the Lipont Gallery on September 30, 2023. Henry Wang, a sixteen-year-old student at Point Grey Secondary School in Vancouver, has been fond of calligraphy, painting, and sports since childhood. His upbringing in a loving family environment, along with his parents’ positive guidance, tolerance, and support, as well as the nurturing educational atmosphere and free social environment, have naturally infused his works with unrestrained creativity and personality.
In the two years since his enrollment at the BC Creative Center, Henry has completed over a hundred art works. His passion and talent have deeply moved his parents, teachers, and friends, leading them to make an exception and organize a solo exhibition for him. After a year of meticulous preparation, Wang’s solo exhibition is now ready. This exhibition is not merely a display of paintings; it’s a special way to encourage this young artist to continue expressing his emotions and thoughts, providing everyone with an opportunity to glimpse into his heart through his art. The exhibition will feature more than 40 paintings and installations suitable for audiences of all ages.
Notably, Henry will handpick several of his cherished works for sale during this solo exhibition, with the proceeds going to the Vancouver Art Gallery’s Institute of Asian Art (IAA). This gesture aims to inspire people from all walks of life to generously support the development of the IAA and enhance Vancouver’s diverse artistic atmosphere, particularly reflecting the young generation of Chinese residents who care about the community and contribute to society.
【心安理得 】 王明乾艺术展
开幕:2023年9月30日 2-5pm
展览:2023年10月1-3日 11am-6pm
由BC创意中心主办的温哥华少年艺术家王明乾的个人画展【心安理得】将于2023年9月30日在温哥华力邦美术馆开幕。16岁的王明乾 (Henry Wang) 就读于温哥华的PG中学,并在充满爱的家庭气氛中成长。他从小喜欢书法,绘画,体育。父母正向引导,宽容支持, 宽舒的教育氛围和自由的社会环境令他的作品自然奔放,个性十足。
他正式进入温哥华的BC创意中心两年来,竟完成了一百多幅作品。家长,老师们和朋友们被他的激情与才气所感动,决定破例为他举办一次个人展。经过一年的筹备,王明乾个人画展就绪。此次个展与其说是办一个画展,不如说是用一个特殊的方式来鼓励这位年轻艺术家继续表现自己的情感与想法,给大家一个机会通过他的画,读到他的心。 本次展出的作品有绘画、装置等四十多件,适合各年龄层观众参观。
值得一提的是,Henry将选择几件他 心爱的作品在此次个展上出售,并将收入捐给温哥华美术馆亚洲馆,鼓励社会各界慷慨支持温哥华美术馆亚洲馆IAA的发展,强化温哥华的多元艺术氛围,特别体现了作为华裔居民的年轻一代关怀社区,贡献社会的善举。