Ji Su, Lost in Illusion, digital print, 27 x 36 inches, edition of 10.

Ji Su – Artist Biography

Ji Su is a young Canadian illustrator based in Vancouver. She graduated from Emily Carr University of Art+Design with a Bachelor of Illustration degree. Her works are actively involved in digital illustration and creating conceptual art. In her third year of study, she initiated an in-depth investigation into “Repair and Therapy”. She employs metaphors to express a variety of psychological states, scrutinizes the characteristics of emotions, and transcends cultural and linguistic barriers to portray emotions visually. Most of her creations are closely related to her interest in the exploration of humanity, psychology, and social issues. She wants to use her wild imagination to prove AI cannot replace art and also use her illustrations as carriers of artistic language to communicate spiritual and ideology between artists and the public.

Growing up in a family that is deeply rooted in the study of art and seeing her parents’ creating artworks, she was naturally influenced and inspired by them. Whenever she was holding a paintbrush or any tools to draw, she found solace and fulfillment in herself. After she committed to her desire to use art as a storytelling tool, she started visualizing her ideas and emotions. Her experience of studying at Emily Carr University gave her a firm foundation in knowledge across various possibilities of illustration. She would like to continue to pursue new connections between illustration and life to keep her open-minded and try out different new explorations.

苏吉 – 简介

苏吉是一位居住在温哥华的年轻加拿大插画家。 她毕业于艾米丽卡尔艺术+设计大学,获得插画学士学位。 她的作品主要积极参与数字插画和概念艺术创作。 在学习的第三年,她开始对“修复与治疗”这一学科进行深入的研究。 她运用隐喻来表达各种心理状态,审视情感的特征,超越文化和语言的障碍,以视觉的方式描绘情感。 她的大部分创作都与她对人性、心理学和社会问题探索的兴趣密切相关。 她想用她天马行空的想象力来证明人工智能无法取代艺术,并用她的插画作为艺术语言的载体,在艺术家和公众之间沟通精神和思想。

成长于一个深深热爱艺术的家庭,看到父母创作艺术作品,她自然而然地受到了父母的影响和启发。 每当她拿着画笔或任何工具画画时,她都会在自己身上找到慰藉和满足。 在她致力于利用艺术作为讲故事的工具的愿望之后,她开始将自己的想法和情感形象化。 她在 Emily Carr 大学的学习经历为她在各种插画可能性上奠定了坚实的知识基础。 她将继续追求插画与生活的新联系,保持开放的心态,尝试不同的新探索。

Education and Training
Emily Carr University of Art + Design Expected in April 2024
Bachelor of Arts: Illustration Vancouver, BC

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
Artist Assistant
Vancouver, BC

• Nurtured relationships between artists and other internal partners to create positive rapport for future projects.
• Interfaced with the garden organization and artist to determine special art project needs, prepared design proposals and defined project scope.
• Conferred with the garden and other interested parties regarding requirements and content of artwork.
• Translated client documents between languages. Delivered real-time oral translations for two parties.

Bang & Olufsen Vancouver Flagship Store
Sales Associate
• Provided accurate information about products, prices and services.
• Processed transactions using a point-of-sale system.
• Helped in designing promotional materials that were displayed in the store.

• Digital illustration and logos creation
• Skilled use of Procreate, Adobe InDesign/Photoshop

Award and Scholarships
• Winner of the Sungiven “Your Art, Our Story” Contest July 28th, 2023
• Scholarship of School of the Art Institute of Chicago 2019
• First Prize(2011) Third Prize(2010) in the United Nations Environment Program Children’s Environmental Painting Competition