Jiang Jianzhong 姜建忠, Woman with Top Hat 戴帽的人体, Edition 2/60, 30 x19 cm, 2021
Jiang Jianzhong 姜建忠, Woman with Top Hat 戴帽的人体, Edition 2/60, 30 x19 cm, 2021

Jiang Jianzhong – Artist Biography

– Born in August 1957 in Shanghai.

– Member of the China Artists Association and Director of the China Oil Painting Society.

– Director of the Oil Painting Art Committee of the Shanghai Artists Association.

– Professor and Doctoral Advisor in the Oil Painting Department at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University.

– Director of the Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Creation Center.

– Former Director of the Oil Painting Department at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and Assistant Dean of the Shanghai University Fine Arts College.

– Graduated from the Art Department of the People’s Liberation Army Academy of Arts in Beijing in 1983.

– Worked as a stage designer for the General Political Department Song and Dance Troupe in Beijing from 1983 to 1985.

– Joined the faculty of the Oil Painting Department at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in 1986.

– Appointed as a researcher at the Shanghai Research Institute of Culture and History in 2024.


Group Exhibitions


  – Participated in “Shanghai University Artworks Exhibition in Denmark.”

  – “Time” participated in the “Shanghai Oil Painting Exhibition.”


  – “Wooden Fence” series No. 1 won the Oil Painting Grand Prize at the Second Shanghai Youth Artworks Exhibition (collected by Shanghai Art Museum) and the Second Prize in the Second Shanghai Art Wall Hanging Design Competition.

  – “Wooden Fence” featured in a special report by “Chinese Art Newspaper.”


  – “Wooden Fence” participated in the Annual World Expo in Chicago, USA (privately collected) and the “Hong Kong Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition.”

  – Created illustrations for one of the top ten Chinese classical novels, “Water Margin,” which won the Golden Tripod Award at the “Taiwan International Book Expo.”

  – Participated in the Annual World Expo in Los Angeles and Chicago, USA.


  – “Profile of a Woman” and “Still Life Series” participated in the “Shanghai Portman Joint Exhibition” (privately collected in Sweden).

  – “Still Life Series” participated in the “Third Shanghai Horizon Exhibition.”


  – “Profile of a Woman No.2” participated in the “Guangzhou Biennale.”

  – “Profile of a Woman No.1” participated in the “Second China Oil Painting Exhibition” (collected by the China Artists Association).


  – Participated in the “New Easel Painting” touring exhibition in Shanghai, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

  – Participated in the “Eighth National Art Exhibition” at the National Art Museum of China.


  – “Computation Series” No.1-No.5 participated in the “New Easel Painting Exhibition” in Shanghai, with a touring exhibition in Taiwan (collected by Soka Art Center, Taiwan).

  – Participated in the “Shanghai Oil Painting Masterpieces Exhibition” in Indonesia.


  – Participated in the Osaka Exhibition in Japan (Osaka University of Arts).


  – “Lease of the New Territories” participated in the “China Art Exhibition.”

  – Included 10 works in the “Fifteen Masters of Shanghai” oil painting collection, participated in the “Towards the New Century: Chinese Youth Art Exhibition” in Beijing (National Art Museum of China).

  – “Lease of the New Territories” participated in the “China Art Exhibition” at Liu Haisu Art Museum in Shanghai.

  – Participated in the “Shanghai Hundred Artworks Exhibition.”


  – Participated in the “Russian Oil Painting Invitational Exhibition” in Saint Petersburg.

  – Solo exhibition at J Gallery, Shanghai.

  – Participated in the “Chinese Contemporary Painters Joint Exhibition” at Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai.

  – Participated in the “Shanghai Oil Painting Exhibition in Russia” (Saint Petersburg).

  – Participated in the “Ninth National Art Exhibition” at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing.


  – Participated in the “Second New Easel Painting Exhibition” in Shanghai.


  – Won Third Prize in the Shanghai Art Exhibition (Oil Painting).

  – Participated in the Shanghai Art Exhibition at Shanghai Art Museum.

  – Participated in the “Shanghai Contemporary Art Exhibition in Hamburg” in Germany.


  – Participated in the “Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition” at Jinmao Tower.

  – Participated in the “Chinese Contemporary Portrait Art Collection Invitational Exhibition” and the “Shanghai Oil Painting Collection Exhibition” at Shanghai Art Museum.

  – Participated in the “Shanghai Contemporary Art Exhibition in Hamburg” (Germany).

  – Participated in the “Chinese Contemporary Portrait Art Collection Invitational Exhibition” (Shanghai).

  – Participated in the “Shanghai Art Museum Oil Painting Collection Exhibition.”


  – Participated in the “Third National Oil Painting Exhibition,” “Beijing International Biennale,” and “Chinese Top Ten Art Academies Teachers’ Works Exhibition” and won the Academic Excellence Award (Grand Prize).

  – Participated in the “Xi’an International Drawing Exhibition.”


  – Participated in the “Tenth National Art Exhibition.”


  – Won the Creativity Award at the Shanghai Art Exhibition.

  – Participated in the “Famous Artists Joint Exhibition” with works by Jiang Jianzhong, Yu Xiaofu, Wang Jieyin, and others at the Er Dong Qiang Art Studio, Shanghai.

  – Participated in the “Shanghai 2005 Art Exhibition.”


  – Participated in the “Spirit and Character” Chinese Oil Painting Realism Exhibition at the Shanghai Art Museum and National Art Museum of China in Beijing.

  – Solo exhibition at the Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute.

  – Participated in the “Young and Middle-aged Artists Recommendation Exhibition” at Mingyuan Culture and Art Center, Shanghai.

  – Participated in the “Military Art, 1979 Painting Exhibition” at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing (organized by the China Artists Association).


  – Participated in the “Spirit and Character – Chinese Contemporary Realist Oil Painting Research Exhibition” (organized by the National Art Museum of China, Shanghai Art Museum, and China Oil Painting Society).

  – Participated in the “Classic Watch Exhibition” with works by Yu Xiaofu, Xu Mangyao, Qiu Ruimin, Zhou Changjiang, Jiang Jianzhong, Li Xiangyang, Zhang Zhenggang, and Yin Xiong at the Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute.

  – Participated in the “Ink Fate” exhibition at Moganshan Road 50, Shanghai.

  – Participated in the “Chinese Shanghai Oil Painting Exhibition” at the Valencia Museum of Modern Art, Spain.


  – Participated in the “Eleventh National Art Exhibition.”

  – Participated in the “With the Times – Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up Yangtze River Delta Art Joint Exhibition” in Shanghai, Nanjing, and Hangzhou.

  – Participated in the “Essence 2009” joint exhibition at the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts (organized by the China Artists Association and Beijing Academy of Fine Arts).

  – Participated in the Shanghai Art Exhibition.

  – Participated in the “Red Memory” exhibition at Liu Haisu Art Museum (organized by the China Artists Association).

  – Participated in the “Chinese Major Historical Themes National Touring Exhibition” (organized by the Ministry of Culture of China).


  – Participated in the academic invitational exhibition at the University of Wisconsin, USA.

  – Participated in the Classic Beijing Exhibition.

  – Participated in the Expo Pavilions Exhibition in Shanghai.

  – Participated in the Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibition.

  – Participated in the invitation exhibition in Hamburg, Germany.


  – Participated in the Shanghai Historical Context Exhibition.

  – Participated in the Shanghai Small Oil Painting Exhibition.


  – Participated in the Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai Art Exchange Exhibition.

  – Participated in the “Shanghai Oil Painting Portrait Exhibition – Different Faces” at Yuanqu Gallery.

  – “Shanghai’s Third Workers Armed Uprising” and “May 30th Massacre” were exhibited at the Memorial Hall of the Site of the First National Congress of the CPC.

  – Participated in the Shanghai Historical Context Exhibition.

  – Participated in the Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu Oil Painting Masters Invitational Exhibition at Liu Haisu Art Museum.

  – Participated in the “On the Easel – Shanghai Masters Invitational Exhibition” at Zhu Qizhan Art Museum.

  – Participated in the “Imagery’s Vision” exhibition at the Art Museum of Shanghai University Fine Arts College.


  – Participated in the “Three Artists’ National Painting Exhibition” with works by Huang Azhong, Sun Liang, and Jiang Jianzhong at Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai.

  – Participated in the Shanghai Art Exhibition at the China Art Museum.

  – Participated in the Shanghai Art Exhibition in Beijing at the National Art Museum of China.


  – Participated in the “Chinese Artists’ Paris Invitational Exhibition” at the Paris City Hall, France.

  – Participated in the “Twelfth National Art Exhibition” at Zhejiang Art Museum.


  – Participated in the “Centennial Heritage: Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Masters Exhibition” at Zhangjiang Contemporary Art Museum.

  – Participated in the “Essence – 2015 Contemporary Oil Painting Masterpieces Exhibition” at Houbairen Art Museum, Kunshan.

  – Participated in the “Freehand Stone Garden” exhibition at Kangqiao Art Center.

  – Participated in the “Urban Gaze: 2015 Shanghai Contemporary Art Exhibition” at Yun Art Center.

  – Participated in the “Overlay and Reappearance: 1984-2015 Shanghai University Fine Arts College Oil Painting Department Works Invitational Exhibition” at Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai.


  – Participated in the “Wu Dialect – Shanghai Artists Invitational Exhibition” at the China Art Museum.

  – Participated in the “Painting Language North and South: 2016 Shanghai and Heihe Oil Painting and Sculpture Exchange Exhibition” at Heihe College.

  – Participated in the Original Melody 2016 Autumn Contemporary Exhibition at Yuanqu Gallery, Shanghai.

  – Participated in the “Silent Theme” group exhibition at the Fine Arts College of Shanghai University.


  – Participated in the “Freehand Spirit: Oil Painting Masters and Course Class Works Touring Exhibition – Shanghai Station” at the Art Museum of Shanghai University Fine Arts College.

  – Participated in the “Boundless: Belt and Road International Art Invitational Exhibition” at Wutong Art Museum, Shanghai.

  – Participated in the “Sea Color and Wave Light: Shanghai and St. Petersburg Contemporary Oil Painting Research Exhibition” at Melnikov Art Museum, Shanghai.


  – Participated in the “Intention in Shanghai” group exhibition at Poly Time.

  – Participated in the “Story of Paper” 2018 Shanghai Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition at the Shanghai Exhibition Center.

  – Participated in the “Beyond Image” second invitational exhibition of the Representational Experiment Studio of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts at Liu Haisu Art Museum.

  – Participated in the “Imagery Jiangnan” art exhibition at Suzhou Art Museum.



His works are collected by:

– Charles de Gaulle Foundation, France

– National Museum of China

– National Art Museum of China

– Shanghai Art Museum

– China Art Museum

– Shanghai Library

– Xuhui Art Museum

– Hong Art Museum

– Motorola Corporation

– Baosteel Group Corporation

– Various cultural institutions, enterprises, and private collectors both domestic and international.



姜建忠 – 艺术家简介


1983年毕业于北京中国人民解放军艺术学院美术系,1983-1985 任北京总政歌舞团舞美设计,1986 上海大学美术学院油画系任教至今。2024年被聘为上海市文史研究馆馆员。

1987年 参加“上海大学美术作品赴丹麦展”,《光阴》参加“上海油画展”;
1988年 《木栅栏》系列之一获第二届上海青年美术作品展油画大奖(上海美术馆收藏)、第二届上海艺术壁挂设计二等奖,《中国美术报》专题报道《木栅栏》;
1990年 《木栅栏》参加美国芝加哥一年一度世界博览展(私人收藏)、“香港中国油画精品展”;




1991年 《侧面女》、《静物系列》参加“上海波特曼联展”(瑞典私人收藏);


1992年 《侧面女No.2》参加“广州双年展”;


1994年 参加“新架上绘画”上海、台湾、(香港)巡回展;

参加第八届全国美展 中国美术馆;

1995年 《演算系列》No.1—No.5参加上海“新架上画展”,并在台湾等地举办巡回展(台湾索卡艺术经纪公司收藏);


1996年 参加日本大阪展 (日本大阪艺术大学);
1997年 《租借新界》参加“中国艺术大展”;





1998年 俄罗斯油画邀请展 圣彼得堡;
1998年 个人画展 上海 J画廊;


上海油画赴俄罗斯展 (圣彼得堡);


1999年 参加第二届“新架上绘画”(上海);
2001年 获上海美术大展油画三等奖;

2001年美术作品大展 上海美术馆;


2002年 中国油画陈列展(金茂大厦);





2003年 第三届全国油画展、北京国际双年展和中国十大美术学院教师作品展获学术优秀奖(大奖)、西安国际素描展;
2004年 第十届全国美展;
2005年 获上海美术大展创意奖;

名家联展——姜建忠、俞晓夫、王劼音等艺术家作品联展 (上海尔冬强艺术工作室);


2006年 参加《精神与品格》中国油画写实展—上海美术馆,北京中国美术馆;


上海中青年艺术家推荐展 (明园文化艺术中心);


2007年 《精神与品格——中国当代写实油画研究院》由中国美术馆、上海美术馆、中国油画协会主办;

守望经典展——俞晓夫、徐芒耀、邱瑞敏、周长江、姜建忠、李向阳、张正刚、殷雄8人展 上海油画雕塑院;

水墨缘 莫干山路50号;

中国上海油画作品展 西班牙瓦伦西亚现代艺术博物馆;

2009年 第十一届全国美展;

与时代同行——纪念改革开放三十周年长三角美术作品联展 (上海,南京,杭州);

本色2009 北京画院联展;中国美协,北京画院主办;


“红色记忆”展 刘海粟美术馆;中国美术家协会主办;


2010年 美国威斯康辛州大学学术邀请展(威斯康辛);





2011年 上海历史文脉展;


2012年 浙江、江苏、上海艺术交流展;

上海油画人物肖像展“不一样的面孔” 原曲画廊;



上海、浙江、江苏油画名家邀请展 刘海粟美术馆;

架上笔意——海上名家邀请展 朱屺瞻艺术馆;

形象的对视 上海大学美术学院美术馆;

2013年 黄阿忠、孙良、姜建忠三人国画展 徐汇美术馆;

上海艺术大展作品 中华艺术宫;

上海美术进京展 中国美术馆;

2014年 中国艺术家作品巴黎邀请展 法国巴黎市政厅;

第十二届全国美展 浙江美术馆;

2015年 百年传承:上海油画雕塑名家作品展,张江当代艺术馆;





2016年 “吴语-方言”上海艺术家邀请展,中华艺术宫;




2017年 “写意精神”油画名家与课程班作品巡展-上海站,上海大学美术学院美术馆;


海色波光 上海·彼得堡当代油画研究展,上海梅尔尼科夫美术馆;

2018年 “意在上海”群展,保利时光里;


“象外”上海大学 上海美术学院具象实验工作室邀请展第二回展,刘海粟美术馆;












