Maude Ren, Tree Root #04, pen, 71.1cm x 55.6cm, 2024

Maude Ren – Artist Biography

I am a multimedia artist originally from Fujian, China, now living in Richmond, Canada since 2023. I graduated from Quanzhou Dongfeng Art School in Fujian, China in 1999. My art practice encompasses drawing, painting, photography, and video. I have participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions in China. My first show, titled “The Starry Night of Quanzhou” was held in my hometown Quanzhou.  Last year, I participated in a group show, “The City of Treasured Gods: Quanzhou Art Collective Exhibition.” During this time, I created multi-material works using local natural materials such as oyster shells and colored clay. Notable pieces include “Rising Dragon,” “Heritage Maritime Silk Road Scroll,” and “Nine-Dragon Wall of Quanzhou,” which garnered significant attention both online and offline, with related reports in the media. I have also been commissioned by various institutions and companies to create public art. In addition, I work in graphic design, creating logos and mascots for multiple organizations and companies. My self-created series “Wobbly Neck Quanzhou People” has been featured in newspaper and TV interviews multiple times and has been licensed for commercial use by several companies, including well-known Chinese enterprises such as Poly Real Estate and Peak Group. This series has also become a cultural icon of Quanzhou Old Town. I have received awards for both my art and design work, and some of my pieces have been collected by private collectors and companies.

任莫德 – 艺术家简介


Maude Ren – Artist Statement – The Charm of Roots

This series of works is themed around the abandoned tree roots (driftwood) commonly seen along the Canadian coastline, showcasing the beauty that has endured the ravages of time in nature. These tree roots, like weathered elders, stand resiliently on this land with unique vitality. Their forms and textures seem to tell stories of time, with each groove recording the marks of years gone by. Through nature’s baptism, they have been sculpted into works of art, exuding a primitive and profound beauty.

These tree roots are not only natural sculptures but also symbols of life. Their shapes resemble the faces of people who have experienced the ups and downs of life, radiating calmness and composure. Like faces that have weathered the storms of life, the tree roots demonstrate resilience and endurance amidst nature’s elements. They also resemble blooming flames, displaying the brilliance and passion of life. Each tree root is a symbol of vitality, harbouring tenacious life force even in their seemingly exhausted state, representing the power of rebirth.

The presence of these tree roots leads me to ponder the meaning and essence of life. As the German philosopher Martin Heidegger said, “The essence of being human is poetic, and one should dwell poetically on this earth.” Only when one is close to death can the meaning of life be profoundly understood. These tree roots remind us that although life is short, the strength and beauty it contains are eternal. Through this series of works, I not only witness the miracles of nature but also feel the resilience and poetry of life. In these abandoned tree roots, I find a reverence for life and a deep affection for nature.

任莫德 – 【根韵】

这组作品以加拿大海边随处可见的废弃树根 (漂木) 为主题,展现了自然界中历经沧桑的美。这些树根如同饱经风霜的老者,以独特的生命力屹立在这片土地上。它们的形态和质感仿佛诉说着时间的故事,每一道纹路都记录着岁月的痕迹。经过自然的洗礼,它们被打磨成一件件大自然的艺术品,呈现出一种古朴而深邃的美感。


这些树根的存在让我陷入了对生命的意义和本质思考。正如德国哲学家马丁·海德格尔所说: “人生的本质是诗意的,人应该诗意地栖居在大地上。” 唯有在无限接近死亡时,才能深刻体会生命的意义。这些树根提醒我们,生命虽短暂,但其中蕴含的力量和美丽是永恒的。通过这组作品,我不仅看到了自然的奇迹,也感受到了生命的韧性和诗意。在这些废弃的树根中,我找到了对生命的敬畏和对自然的深情。

Maude Ren – CV


1997-1999    Diploma in Painting, Quanzhou Dongfeng Art School


2023  The City of Treasured Gods: Quanzhou Art Collective Exhibition, Quanzhou Maritime Museum, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2022 Millennium of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Coastal Fengchen, Quanzhou Nanyi Square, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2021 Under the Kapok Tree, Quanzhou Nanyi Square, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2021 Under the Kapok Tree, Quanzhou Donghai Wanju Square, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2020 My City of Light, Quanzhou Nanyi Square, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2019  One HAO Quanzhou, Quanzhou Wanda Square, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2018  Let The Dragon Soar, Wanda Square, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2017  The Starry Night of Quanzhou, Wanda Square, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.


2019 The Rise of the Giant Dragon, Wanda Square, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2015-2016  The Eighteen Views of Qihui Wendu, Xinmen and Suqing Square Quanzhou, Fujian, China.


2021  Bronze Award, Quanzhou Cultural and Creative Design Competition, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2017  Second Place, The First Exhibition of Calligraphy in Licheng District, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2014 Silver Award, East Asian Cultural Capital Logo Collection, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.


2020 Paulownia Carp-Shaped Image, Mural, commissioned by Quanzhou Culture and Tourism Bureau, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.


2023 Wai Wai Neck Quanzhou Person Edition 2, Commissioned by Quanzhou Hujian,  Investment Co., Ltd., Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2022  City Gate Dialogue, Commissioned by Quanzhou Culture and Tourism Group, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2022 Protest Life of Quanzhou People, Fujian Provincial Copyright Bureau, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2019 Wai Wai Neck Quanzhou Person Edition 1, Commissioned by Quanzhou Ancient City Renovation, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2017 Quanzhou Folk Figures Edition 2, Commissioned by Tenghua Nori Limited Company, Jinjiang, Fujian, China.

2016 Quanzhou Folk Figures Edition 1, Commissioned by Tainting Jewelry Co. Ltd., Jinjiang, Fujian, China.

2016 Wai Wai Neck Quanzhou Person Edition 1, Commissioned by Poly Real Estate Co., Ltd., China.

2016  Logo Design, Commissioned by Quanzhou Bicycle Sport Association, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

2012  Postcard Design, Commissioned by Quanzhou Postal Letter Bureau, Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

任莫德 – CV


1997-1999        绘画专科毕业, 泉州东凤美术学校


2023                 “众神之城:泉州艺术联展”,泉州海交博物馆,中国福建泉州。

2022                 “宋元千年,濒海枫宸”, 南益广场,中国福建泉州。

2021                 “刺桐树下”,南益广场,中国福建泉州

2021                 “刺桐树下”,泉州东海玩聚场, 中国福建泉州。

2020                 “我的光之城”, 南益广场,中国福建泉州。

2019                 “一个HAO泉州”,泉州万达广场,中国福建泉州。

2018                 “让龙飞起来”,泉州万达广场,中国福建泉州。

2017                 “泉州星月夜”,泉州万达广场,中国福建泉州。


2019                 “巨龙崛起”,泉州万达广场,中国福建泉州。

2015-2016        ”泉州齐绘文都十八景“、新门 和 肃清广场,中国福建泉州。


2021                 泉州文化创意设计大赛铜奖,中国福建泉州。

2017                 泉州鲤城区首届书法展二等奖,中国福建泉州。

2014                 东亚文化之都标志征集银奖,中国福建泉州。


2020                 泉州文旅局委托创作的《刺桐鲤形图壁画》 ,中国福建省泉州市旅游局。


2023                 “歪歪脖子泉州人第二版”,泉州壶见投资有限公司 中国福建泉州。

2022                 “城门对话”,泉州文旅集团委托, 中国福建泉州。

2022                 “泉州人民抗疫生活,中国福建省版权局, 中国福建。

2019                 “歪歪脖子泉州人第一版,泉州古城改造委托 ,中国福建泉州。

2017                 ”泉州民俗人物第二版,腾华紫菜有限公司委托 ,中国福建泉州。

2016                 ”泉州民俗人物第一版,天兴珠宝有限公司委托, 中国福建晋江。

2016                 ”歪歪脖子围脖泉州人第一版,中国保利地产委托。

2016                 ”标志设计,泉州市自行车运动协会委托,中国福建泉州。                

2012                 泉州印记明信片设计,泉州邮政信函局委托,中国福建泉州。