The historical importance of landscape painting is addressed in my work. Making direct reference to many of the Greats.
My wish is to have techniques, previously experimented with, to evolve in such a way as to progress to a more modern condition with the knowledge of those that came before. The painterly effects of light and colour created by the suffocating atmosphere of pollution, found in industrial and urban landscapes, is juxtaposed with the collection of airy, rural and pastoral landscapes.
The use of light, colour, and texture remains consistent in my work. Sometimes brooding and foreboding, other times light and luminous. The work focuses on the ability of painting to tell a story through a single image.
– Paul Chizik 2023
Paul Chizik CV
1957. Vancouver, B.C.
1995-2017. Independent Studies. Traveled and studied many of the major works in Canada, Australia, the United States and Europe (England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria and The Netherlands).
1995-1996. Florence Academy of Art. Florence, Italy. Michael John Angel Studios, Florence, Italy.
Study of Cast Painting, Still Life, Anatomy, Morphology, Master Drawing / Painting techniques and formulas. Further studies included Portraiture and Figurative work under Master Painter Michael John Angel.
Independent studies with master drawings in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy.
1995. Chicago Institute of Art, Chicago, USA. Studied under Michael John Angel in a workshop on Techniques of The Old Masters.
1988. Western Washington University, Bellingham, USA. Independent study program in Life Study. Continuing studies with Professor Thomas Slotterback and Professor Tom Sherwood.
2019-2021. Vancouver Fine Art Gallery. BC. Canada
2019. LeSoleil Fine Art Gallery. Vancouver. BC. Canada
2018. Chromatic Light. Plein-air Painting in Canada. Italian Cultural Centre Museum. Vancouver, BC. Canada.
2009-2017. Winter Show. Selection of new work. Belgravia Gallery, London. England. 2011. Group Show. Karen Lynne Gallery.Florida, U.S.A.
2010. Solo Show. The Progression of Paint. Belgravia Gallery, London. England.
2005-2011. Group Show. Summer Show. Belgravia Gallery. London, England. 2007-2009. Group Show. The Weiss Gallery, Calgary, Alberta. Canada. 2003. Group Show, “Speaking for the Land” Lucia Douglas Gallery, Bellingham, USA. 2003. Solo Show, “Canadian Autumn” Elliot Louis Gallery, Vancouver, Canada. 2002. Fall Group Show, “Landscapes” Lucia Douglas Gallery, Bellingham, USA. 2002. Summer Group Show, Ballard Lederer Gallery, Vancouver, Canada. 2001. Summer Group Show, Ballard Lederer Gallery, Vancouver, Canada. 2000. Summer and Winter Group Show, Dabrinsky Gallery, Toronto, Canada. 1998. Group Show, “Howling at the Darkness”, Seymour Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada. 1998. Group Show, Community Arts Council, Vancouver, Canada.
1997. Group Show, Seymour Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
1996. Group Show, Simon Patrich Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
1992. Group Show, Community Arts Council, Vancouver, Canada.
1991. Solo Show, Brush Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
1990. Group Show, Vancouver Art ‘90, Vancouver, Canada.
1988. Group Show, Paint Brush Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
1987. Group Show, Arts Festival, Robson Media Center, Vancouver, Canada.
Gallery Representation
2022 Represented by Lipont Gallery in China
2005-2017. Resented by the Belgravia Gallery. London, England.
2011-2012. Karen Lynne Gallery Karen Lynne Gallery. Florida, U.S.A 2007-2009. The Weiss Gallery. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2005-2008. Represented by Kunsthandel van den Elsthout. Den Haag, Netherlands. 2001-2003. Ballard Lederer Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
1997-2003. Dabrinsky Gallery, Toronto, Canada.
1998-1999. Denise Robergé Art Gallery, El Paso, Palm Desert, California, USA. 1996-1998. Simon Patrich Galleries, Vancouver, Canada.
1989-1991. Paint Brush Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
1979-1981. Barr Gallery, Vancouver, Canada.
Electronic Arts Inc. Vancouver, Canada.
Cerebral Mechanics Inc. Alberta, Canada.
Ivanhoe Securities, Vancouver, Canada.
Kim Oishi & Associates, Vancouver, Toronto, Canada.
New Caledonian Mining, Australia.
Media Coverage
2015-2016. Kabuni and ArtsAlly. Georgia Straight. Featured Artist article and showcase 2001. CBC French Television.
1999. B International Magazine, Personal Interview.
Canadian Armed Forces Civilian Artist Program (CAFCAP). Exhibitions and Displays, Ottawa, Canada.
Mediums of Specialization
Watercolour, oil, egg-tempera, tempera-grassa, acrylic, pastel and drawing mediums.
Art Employment
1995-2021. Teaching Private and Semi-private lessons.
1995-2021. Private consultation for Professional Artist
1997-2021. Langara College, Vancouver, Canada. Subject: Old Master Techniques, Still Life, Portrait, Figure Drawing.
2017-2021 FCA. Federation of Canadian Artist. Vancouver, BC. Canada. Teacher of Federations Foundation Program.
2015. FCA. Federation of Canadian Artist. Juror for Annual Art Competition. 2006-2009. Workshops in Plein-air painting in Tofino. Canada
2010. Hosted Pleiin-air Workshop in Bucine, Italy.
2006-2009. Vancouver Sketch Club. Demonstrations in painting and drawing Portraits
1997-2004. Vancouver Academy of Art. Vancouver, Canada. Instructor in Oil and Watercolour Painting. Instructor in Outdoor Drawing Techniques. Subjects: Portrait and Figure, Still Life, Old Masters Techniques and Landscapes. Ongoing instructional DVD hosted by Art Featured artist in Plein-air painting techniques.
2003. Taught and hosted oil painting workshop in Scotland.
1997-2003. Aberthau House, Vancouver, Canada. Subject: Watercolour and Oil Landscape Painting en plein-air.
1997-2002. Kwantlen University College, Vancouver, Canada.Subject: Old Master Techniques.
1957年 出生于加拿大卑诗省温哥华市
“我的绘画植根于古典传统和当代手法。 我不仅在画室中创作大型作品,也在户外自然环境中和城市风景里画写生。
我的的绘画作品包括风景、肖像、具象叙事和静物。 作为画家和艺术教育者,我希望绘画艺术能够重新成为一个令人兴奋和充满活力的视觉媒介。” – 保罗·奇兹克
1995-2017 年
1995-1996 年
学习绘画、静物、解剖学、形态学、绘画大师技法。 进一步研究包括大师画家迈克尔·约翰·安吉尔(Michael John Angel)的肖像画和具象作品。
西华盛顿大学,美国贝灵翰市。 师从托马斯·斯洛特拜克教授和汤姆·舍尔伍德教授,学习绘画。
2019-2021 温哥华艺术画廊,温哥华,加拿大
2019 太阳画廊,温哥华,加拿大
2018 【彩色的光 – 加拿大写生绘画】加拿大温哥华意大利文化中心博物馆
2011 【联展】 卡伦·林画廊,佛罗里达,美国
2010 【个人展览 – 绘画的进步】贝尔格拉维亚画廊,伦敦,英国
2005-2011 年 【夏季联展】贝尔格拉维亚画廊,伦敦,英国
2007-2009 年 【联展】 沃斯画廊,卡尔加里,阿尔伯塔,加拿大
2003 【联展 – 为大地发声】露西亚·道格拉画廊,贝林翰市,美国
2003 【个人展 – 加拿大之秋】艾略特·路易斯画廊,温哥华,加拿大
2002 【秋季联展 – 风景】露西亚·道格拉画廊,贝林翰市,美国
2002 【夏季联展】巴拉德·乐德尔画廊,温哥华,加拿大
2001 【夏季联展】巴拉德·乐德尔画廊,温哥华,加拿大
2000 【夏季和冬季联展】达布林斯基画廊,多伦多,加拿大
1998 【联展 – 黑暗中的嚎叫】西摩美术馆,温哥华,加拿大
1998 【联展 – 社区艺术委员会】温哥华,加拿大
1997 【联展 – 社区艺术委员会】温哥华,加拿大
1996 【联展】 西萌·帕翠驰画廊,温哥华,加拿大
1992 【联展 – 社区艺术委员会】温哥华,加拿大
1991 【个人展】 布鲁施画廊,温哥华,加拿大
1990 【联展】温哥华艺术 ’90,温哥华,加拿大
1988 【联展】画笔画廊,温哥华,加拿大
1987 【联展】罗布森媒体中心艺术节,温哥华,加拿大
2005-2017 贝尔格拉维亚画廊,伦敦,英国
2011-2012 凯伦林恩画廊,美国佛罗里达州
2007-2009 维斯画廊,卡尔加里,阿尔伯塔省,加拿大
2005-2008 由 Kunsthandel van den Elsthout 代理,荷兰海牙
2001-2003 巴拉德·乐德尔画廊,温哥华,加拿大
1997-2003 达布林斯基画廊,多伦多,加拿大
1998-1999 丹尼斯·若博支画廊,埃尔帕索,棕榈沙漠,加利福尼亚,美国
1996-1998 西蒙·帕特里奇画廊,温哥华,加拿大
1989-1991 画笔画廊,温哥华,加拿大
1979-1981 巴尔画廊,温哥华,加拿大
Kim Oishi & Associates公司,温哥华,多伦多,加拿大
2015-2016 【加拿大乔治亚海峡报纸】卡布尼和艺术通道
2001 精选艺术家,加拿大国家电视台法语频道
1999【B 国际杂志】个人访谈。
1995-2021 教授私人和半私人艺术课程。
1995-2021 专业私人艺术咨询
1997-2021 加拿大温哥华兰加拉学院,教授古代大师技法,静物,肖像,人物画
2017-2021 加拿大艺术家协会联合会基金会计划的老师
2015 加拿大艺术家联合会,年度艺术比赛评委
2006-2009 托菲诺市写生绘画讲习班,卑诗省,加拿大
2010 在意大利 Bucine 举办写生绘画研讨会
2006-2009 加拿大温哥华素描俱乐部,绘画和绘画示范
1997-2004 年 加拿大温哥华艺术学院,油画和水彩画讲师,户外绘画技术讲师。
由 Art 主办的持续教学 DVD,写生绘画技法艺术家。
2003 在苏格兰任教并主持油画工作室
1997-2003 加拿大温哥华的阿伯索故居,主题:写生水彩和油画山水画
1997-2002 昆特兰大学学院,温哥华,加拿大。主题:古代大师技法