鸾凤和鸣 Mythical Bird and Phoenix Singing in Harmony, 书法 calligraphy, 2017

Liu Xiaoqing – Artist Biography

Liu, Xiaoqing, born in 1942, also known by the pseudonym Yipiao. He is a renowned calligrapher, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and the vice chairman of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association. He serves as the president of the Yangpu Painting Academy, a distinguished professor at Shanghai Normal University and Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, and the deputy editor-in-chief of the “Calligraphy” magazine.

He was invited by the city government to perform calligraphy at Yuyuan Garden for the visiting President Clinton, and gifted him with the phrase “Accumulated Strength Becomes Great.” Additionally, he single-handedly wrote the entire text of the “Analects” on 101 tablets for the Confucian Temple, composed “The Yuyuan Poetry Collection” for Yuyuan Garden, inscribed the thousand-year-old bell at Jing’an Temple, and left his calligraphic works in places such as the Longhua Martyrs Cemetery and Yue Fei Temple in Hangzhou.

He has published works such as “An Overview of Calligraphy Techniques,” “How to Write Running Script,” and “Model Books of Famous Inscriptions Throughout the Ages.” Over several decades, he has authored millions of characters. His calligraphy is proficient in regular and running scripts, and he excels in landscape painting. His large and small regular scripts are dignified and elegant, demonstrating profound skill.

Liu Xiaoqing is a contemporary master of calligraphy studies and has a significant influence in today’s calligraphy community.

刘小晴 – 艺术家简介


