Zimo Wang 王子墨, Hidden Mountain Scenery 山中幽景, ink on silk 绢本水墨
Zimo Wang 王子墨, Hidden Mountain Scenery 山中幽景, ink on silk 绢本水墨

Zhu Nanshui – Artist Biography

Zhu Nanshui (Chuanxing), born in March 1958, hails from Qingpu, Shanghai. He is also known by the pseudonym “Master of Jingwa Residence.” He graduated from the Fine Arts program at Shanghai Normal University, where he studied under the renowned Chinese painter Song Yulin. Currently, he is a member of the Shanghai Artists Association and the vice chairman of the Qingpu District Artists Association.


Mr. Nanshui has studied Western painting and has been engaged in gouache, watercolor, and film poster creation for many years. His ink paintings are characterized by vigorous brushwork, delicate ink tones, and rich layers. His colored paintings exhibit varied color schemes—sometimes bright and fresh, other times rich and profound, demonstrating both skill and freedom. His landscape paintings draw from the brush and ink techniques of Song Dynasty landscapes, incorporating the methods of Ming, Qing, and modern landscape painting.

朱南水 – 艺术家简介

