Lipont Gallery + YKLM Auctions
4211 No. 3 Road, Richmond BC V6X2C3
May 4 – 31, 2021 free admission
Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm
“Your mind is like a beautiful pool of water reflecting the world around it.” – Hugh Kidd
Although art is her passion and painting is her meditation, June Yun considers herself a mixed media artist. Besides painting and drawing, she works with printmaking, video and installation.
During the past decade, water and clouds are the other predominant subjects of her art. She uses them as metaphors conveying aesthetics of her Chinese background: simplicity, tranquility, and solitary. Oriental people’s perception and admiration of water have informed the wisdom of the East. That is also why traditional Chinese art assumed ink and water as the medium and the language of landscape paintings. The mercurial forms of water and its reflections build a dreamlike mirage on June Yun’s canvases. Floating clouds are another form of water. They seem vague, unreachable, ethereal and even intangible for some humans, yet June Yun can transcribe her fleeing memories through the water, clouds and mist in her art.
In the springtime of 2021, June Yun started a new series of paintings called Spring Series 2021 that extends the subject from water to the ubiquitous tender green that is reflected in water.
“With brilliant colours, the lonely and poetic life has continued through two consecutive spring seasons. Time flies, like a dream, yet the flowers are still blooming quietly. Because of the epidemic, the world seemed to have pressed the pause button, and it seemed that the sudden braking awoke me from the gray-blue ‘water’ (Water that has been the subject of my painting for nearly ten years.) I began to see and respond to flowers, pink, purple, and yellow colours. Maybe flowers are not what they seem. I am painting quietly as usual, but it seems that I really cannot paint anymore, in other words, painting is not the painting as usual anymore. Painting has become less rational and more intuitive, unintentional, and ‘speechless’. Painting does not require any concepts, meanings, or techniques, but rather just a wordless process.”
– June Yun, Spring 2021
June Yun was born in China. She lived and studied fine art in the U.K. and received her Master of Fine Arts Degree from University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Since 2001, she has been living and working in Vancouver as a full-time artist. Yun’s work has been exhibited internationally, including solo shows in the U.K., France, China, in venues such as Himalaya Art Museum in Shanghai and Richmond Art Gallery, Banff Centre and Lipont Gallery in Canada. She participated in The Radius Mural and Big Prints public art projects in Vancouver and received several art awards from Europe, Canada and China.
云媛 – 2021春日系列绘画展览
Lipont Gallery + YKLM Auctions
4211 No. 3 Road, Richmond BC V6X2C3
西方油画的浓烈和厚画法和中国山水的清逸和悠远相比,我天然地选择了后者,也许那种空灵的美也在我的骨髓里。但是我并不想用传统的中国画来画,因为那也不是我,毕竟画了这么多年的油画,不是选择,自然而然地就用油画颜料在画布上画着我想表达的东西,它可以很薄,透明和涳濛。技法完全随着我要画的情感和意境来表现,我常常不会记得技法本身了。 – 云媛
云媛曾就读于安徽师范大学美术系,中央美术学院和英国纽卡斯尔大学,并曾执教于安徽安庆大学美术系和澳门理工大学以及加拿大艾米丽·卡尔艺术大学。她曾在中国、加拿大、英国以及法国举办个展,并参加多个双人展以及联展。参展艺术机构包括加拿大列治文美术馆,Lipont Gallery, 卑诗大学亚洲馆,温哥华Center A, 阿尔伯塔省Banff Centre,法国Galerie Du Tableau,英国东方博物馆(Oriental Museum), 美国华盛顿艺术中心,中国上海喜玛拉雅美术馆等等。与此同时,云媛还参与了温哥华市中心Fire Hall Art Centre的大型壁画项目以及在印度、加拿大和中国的艺术家驻留项目。