2023 Lunar New Year Exhibition
Opening Reception
Saturday January 14, 2023 2:00pm – 5:00pm
January 14 – February 10, 2023
Mon – Fri 10-5, Tue until 8pm
Auspicious Year of the Rabbit! From January 14th to 27th, Lipont Gallery, together with Richmond-based artists Shude Feng and Sophia Nie, will bring the audiences an exhibition of traditional Chinese fine brush paintings and canvas paintings that symbolizes beauty of nature. The works include the elegant Four Seasons, the dignified and gorgeous Splendid Years, the beaming Longevity Welcoming the Spring, Great Auspicious, Celebrating Longevity and so on. Please make a wish and welcome the Lunar New Year!
The two artists have been working quietly in Richmond for decades, and it is the first time that they have a two-person exhibition together. Shude Feng comes from a family of artists. She has been taught by famous teachers since she was a child. Later she has formed a painting style with elegant and vivid charm. Sophia Nie is a senior designer. In her early years, she was enlightened and studied painting after maestros and relentlessly expressed her longing for beauty ever since.
开幕:2023年1月14日星期六14:00 – 17:00
週一至週五10:00 – 17:00, 週二至20:00 开放
Shude Feng – Artist Biography
In 1948 Shude Feng was born into a family of calligraphers and painters in Beijing. Adhering to family precepts and rooted in traditional culture, she has loved calligraphy and painting since childhood.
After graduating from Tianjin Arts and Crafts School in 1970, Feng continued her practice in traditional Chinese flower-and-bird painting meticulously and studied under renowned artists such as Tian Shiguang, Sun Qifeng, and Yu Fuqian. She has reached a deep understanding of the essence of traditional Chinese realistic paintings and has been carrying out her own elegant styles. Her works have been exhibited in China, abroad and acquired by collectors.
After moving to Vancouver in 2004, Feng continues her career and started teaching. Her students won gold and silver awards in various international Chinese painting and calligraphy competitions.
Currently she is a member of the Canadian Chinese Artists Association, China Arts and Crafts Association, and Beijing Gongbi Heavy Colour Painting Association.
2011 Biography of Meticulous Flower and Bird Paintings, Tianjin Yangliuqing Publishing House
2022 Solo Exhibition, Lipont Gallery, Richmond, BC
2019 Cultural Festival Group Exhibition
2017 Richmond Art and Culture Festival Group Exhibition
2014 Canadian Huafeng Artists Association Group Exhibition
2009 Richmond Traditional Culture Carnival Exhibition
2008 Vancouver Chinese Artists Association Exhibition. Painting Peacock won an award.
2007 Poetic Painting and Calligraphy group exhibition
2010-present Private Collections
2017 Lotus, Canadian Shaolin Chan Wu Centre, Canada
2012 Shuang Shou, Mayor Malcom Broday, Richmond, BC
2012 Splendid China, Shanghai World Expo, Shanghai
2011 Pine Tree and Crane, Global Chinese Press, Vancouver BC
冯树德 – 艺术家简历
2019年9月28 文化节联展
2017年7月29 列治文艺术文化节联展
2014年7月26 加拿大华枫艺术家协会联展
2009年5月 列治文传统文化嘉年华展
2008年11月15日 温哥华华人艺术家协会举办评审展,作品《孔雀》获奖
2007年7月16日 诗情画意书画联展
2017年 《荷花》加拿大少林禅武中心收藏
2012年 《双寿图》列治文市长收藏
2012年 《锦绣中华》上海世博会收藏
2011年 《松鹤图》环球华报收藏
Sophia Nie – Artist Biography
Born in 1962, Beijing
Xiuping Nie (Sophia) has been working in the art design industry for decades. She practices graphic design, Industrial design, and interior design.
“My love for painting can be traced back to my childhood. Since then, I have been exploring art and immersing myself in art. Yan Li and Naizheng Zhu were the mentors who introduced me to fine art and influenced my skills and my career profoundly.
Traditional Chinese painting played an integral part of my personal growth. Studying fine brush painting and portraiture nourished my soul. The fine education I received from my teachers has allowed me to expand my vision in the art world and make progress continuously as a designer and artist.
I am always seeking ways to express my visions of beauty and use artistic expressions and techniques such as painting to describe the scenes I see. Through life and nature, I am amazed by the delicacy and the splendour of our world. I depict these beautiful views in my paintings and do my best to do it continuously in a creative way. In the future I will explore even more ways and techniques to express my perception of beauty.” – Sophia Nie 2022
1986 – 1988
Department of Environmental Design, Beijing Science Technology and Management College
Courses: painting, environmental design (landscape design, urban planning), three-dimensional composition, industrial design, graphic design, architectural design, interior design, ergonomics, and material science.
Internship: Beijing Architectural Design Institute
Internship Project: Lobby and garden design, China Rehabilitation Research Center for Deaf Children
Work Experience
2004- present Graphic designer, interior designer, and construction projects manager, Vancouver, BC
2002-2004 Consultant and Designer, Natong Medical Group IV
2001 Designer, Tang Guang Ming Hui Advertising Company
1998-1999 Designer, Dashu Corporate Image Company
1993-1998 Public Relations and Designer, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel, Beijing
1991-1992 Public Relations and Designer, Scitech Technology Exchange Co., Ltd. and Scitech Hotel, Beijing
1991 Graphic designer, interior designer, advertisement designer, Zhongcui Fashion Co., Ltd.
1988-1990 Interior designer and ceramic art designer of Kang Hua headquarters office, Kang Hua Environmental Design
一直以来我涉及并寻求多种艺术形式,表达对美的憧憬。用绘画等方式,将我眼中美丽的景象描绘出来。我在感悟生命、感悟自然的同时,惊叹万物的精致与壮观,于是我喜好将美好的事物做为提材,进行不断的创意。我也会在未来更多地将内心对美的观感,以各种形式表现出来。” – 聂秀萍2022
1986-1988 中国科技经营管理大学环境设计系。
学习绘画、环境设计 (园林、城市规划)、产品设计、装潢设计、平面设 计、立体构成、建筑设计、室内外设计、人机工程学、材料学。
实习项目:中华聋儿康复中心 (参与大堂形象设计、园林设计)
2004-present 移民加拿大,从事平面设计、室内硬装软装设计及装修
2002-2004 纳通医疗集团 IV顾问及设计师
2001 唐光明辉广告公司 设计师
1998-1999 大树企业形象策划公司 设计师
1993-1998 天伦王朝酒店, 从事公关相关事宜及设计师
1991- 1992 赛特科技交流有限公司及赛特饭店, 从事公关相关事宜及设计师
1991 中萃时装有限公司, 美术、装潢、广告、厅堂、装饰设计
1988-1990 康华环艺公司, 康华总部办公室设计、陶艺设计、装潢设计