Their Views: Art by Emerging Women Artists
Alice Cao, Jia Liu, Jiabao Shen, and Xin Wen
Opening Reception
Thursday March 2nd, 2023 7-9pm
March 2 – 24, 2023
Mon – Fri 10-5, Tue until 8pm
Lipont Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the curated group exhibition Their Views: Art by Emerging Women Artists, featuring local artists Alice Cao, Jiabao Shen, Jia Liu, and Xin Wen, from March 2nd to March 24th.
It is always intriguing to see the young generation’s views of art, their imagination, and where they draw their inspirations. These four artists share much in common, yet their works are distinctly different. They are all emerging women artists who freshly graduated from renowned art schools worldwide, including Emily Carr University of Art and Design, the School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Rhode Island School of Design, and Central Saint Martins College of Art. With roots in Chinese culture, they have been exposed to a diverse art world and formed their unique understandings of their art and the world. However, the subjects of their art vary. They tackle themes like dreams, identity, confusion, imagination, and spirituality through art.
Women artists have been underrepresented throughout art history. As the young generation of artists enters the art market, the growing number of women artists are quite visible. As Women’s History Month is coming up, it is important to highlight art by women and recognize and emphasize their contribution to the historical and contemporary art world. During the exhibition, on March 4th at 2 pm, we will collaborate with Richmond Women’s Resource Centre to organize an on-site event celebrating women and women artists.
开幕:2023年3月2日星期四 19:00 – 21:00
週一至週五10:00 – 17:00, 週二至20:00 开放
在整个艺术史上,女性艺术家的代表度有待提高。随着年轻一代艺术家进入市场,女性艺术家的数量也不断增加,并为这个时代添加异彩。随着三月份女性历史月(Women’s History Month) 的临近,我们携四位新晋艺术家与大家共同探讨女性艺术家对艺术、生活、世界的诠释。
3月4日星期六下午2时,我们将与列治文妇女资源中心 (Richmond Women’s Resource Centre) 合作,组织一场庆祝女性和女性艺术家的现场活动。活动详情请见https://richmondwomenscentre.org/