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Huachao Sun

Huachao Sun has been creating photography for more than ten years and is best at landscape photography and architectural photography. His works have won awards in competitions such as China Ancient Architecture Photography Competition and National Wetland Ecological Photography Competition. He is one of the editor-in-chiefs of Art of Photography. Currently he serves as the secretary-general of the Canadian Association of Chinese Photographers. As a professional photographer, Sun is mainly engaged in landscape photography and architectural photography. He pursues the resonance between the image and the image in his heart and strives to convey the feeling of the scene to the audience.


Characters of Snow

Snow is spiritual, and like all living things, it has its own form, strength and temperament, which creates the multi-faceted character of snow and inspires my creative inspiration. This group of photos attempts to use snow taken in different time and space to arouse the viewer’s emotional resonance and experience the diversity of snow’s character.

In the choice of shooting time, there are noon with strong sunlight, and morning and evening with soft light; in the choice of scenery, there are not only the contrast between snow and other scenery in a large space, but also medium and small ones that emphasize the texture of snow. Scene: in the selection of picture elements, I do not deliberately avoid the traces of human activities, because this is also the embodiment of the interaction between snow and the environment.


Winter Ice

Ice freezes in early winter, and ice in deep winter seems to be the strongest, and its happiness seems to reach the peak of this season, but as winter turns to spring, no matter how thick the ice will melt. If ice has emotions, what kind of mood will ice have under its hard exterior in the deep winter? How will it face nature’s cold and summer, alternating changes and endless cycles?




孙华超 (Huachao Sun) 摄影创作十余年,最擅长风景摄影和建筑摄影。作品曾在中国古建筑摄影大赛、全国湿地生态摄影大赛等赛事中获奖;【花织梦-王林摄影遗作展】策展人之一,【加中摄影家作品集-加中建交五十周年特刊(书名英文:Art of Photography)】主编之一;现为加拿大华人摄影协会(Canadian Association of Chinese Photographers)秘书长,职业摄影师,主要从事风景摄影和建筑摄影。作者追求物像与心中意象契合,所引发的共鸣,并努力将现场的感受传递给观者。






