Another Me 另一个我

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Another Me 另一个我
Product Details

Artist: Ji Su

Another Me 另一个我

image size: 36 x 27 inches
edition of 10
Digital Media (Procreate), Inkjet print on Rag Paper

Other Editions available

18 x 13.5 inches
Edition of 50

9 x 7.5 inches
Edition of 100

This illustration depicts the mental state of a person transitioning between identity states. As social pressure increases, it becomes more common to display different facets of one's personality in various situations. However, being true to oneself can be challenging. The eye in the illustration features double pupils and is rendered in de-saturated colours. I incorporated linework to portray the surrounding details, transforming the pupils into a swamp-like look. One character appears to be crawling out of the pupil, while the other character hangs on the edge like a teardrop. This expresses the desire for individuals to be free to be themselves without external pressures.

该作品描绘了一个人在身份状态之间转换的心理状态。 随着社会压力的增加,在不同的情况下展示一个人性格的不同方面变得越来越普遍。 然而,忠于自己可能具有挑战性。 插图中的眼睛有双瞳孔,并以不饱和的颜色呈现。 我结合线条来描绘周围的细节,将瞳孔变成沼泽般的样子。 一个角色似乎从瞳孔中爬出,而另一个角色则像一滴泪珠一样挂在边缘。 这表达了个人渴望在没有外部压力的情况下自由地做自己。