Grace Tao

Painter and Senior Designer working in the industry of visual arts for years.

2007-2010 Concordia University, BFA, Montreal, Canada
Major: Painting & Drawing
Minor: Computation Arts

Art is an expression of emotion. If the process of touching oneself can also be conveyed to the viewer, it is an effective and silent resonance. Like many artists, the rich experience in life is my source of inspiration. Years of immigrant life, family life, and work experience have continuously enriched what I want to say as “painting”.

Post-Impressionism, Byzantium and David Hockney are the schools and painters that have a great influence on me at this stage. Their mechanisms, colours and compositions are never boring to watch.

Machinery is one of the subjects I like to paint very much, because it is very similar to my experience of life. It has both the layered beauty of the structure, which is fascinating, and at the same time, it also makes people trapped in some degree of irresistible operation. The process of painting machinery is like an outlet for emotions. By 2024, I began to add another favorite element-nature, such as wood and flowers. This sense of picture makes the expression more complete: real and unreal, perfect and imperfect, the entanglement of freedom and discipline, the collision of nature and man-made, impossible connection, contradiction and harmony.

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