Tree Root #04

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Tree Root #04
Product Details

Artist: Maude Ren

Tree Root #04

acrylic ink pen
55.5cm x 71.1cm

The Charm of Roots 【根韵】

This series of works is themed around the abandoned tree roots (driftwood) commonly seen along the Canadian coastline, showcasing the beauty that has endured the ravages of time in nature. These tree roots, like weathered elders, stand resiliently on this land with unique vitality. Their forms and textures seem to tell stories of time, with each groove recording the marks of years gone by. Through nature’s baptism, they have been sculpted into works of art, exuding a primitive and profound beauty.

These tree roots are not only natural sculptures but also symbols of life. Their shapes resemble the faces of people who have experienced the ups and downs of life, radiating calmness and composure. Like faces that have weathered the storms of life, the tree roots demonstrate resilience and endurance amidst nature’s elements. They also resemble blooming flames, displaying the brilliance and passion of life. Each tree root is a symbol of vitality, harbouring tenacious life force even in their seemingly exhausted state, representing the power of rebirth.

The presence of these tree roots leads me to ponder the meaning and essence of life. As the German philosopher Martin Heidegger said, “The essence of being human is poetic, and one should dwell poetically on this earth.” Only when one is close to death can the meaning of life be profoundly understood. These tree roots remind us that although life is short, the strength and beauty it contains are eternal. Through this series of works, I not only witness the miracles of nature but also feel the resilience and poetry of life. In these abandoned tree roots, I find a reverence for life and a deep affection for nature. - Maude Ren 2024

这组作品以加拿大海边随处可见的废弃树根 (漂木) 为主题,展现了自然界中历经沧桑的美。这些树根如同饱经风霜的老者,以独特的生命力屹立在这片土地上。它们的形态和质感仿佛诉说着时间的故事,每一道纹路都记录着岁月的痕迹。经过自然的洗礼,它们被打磨成一件件大自然的艺术品,呈现出一种古朴而深邃的美感。


这些树根的存在让我陷入了对生命的意义和本质思考。正如德国哲学家马丁·海德格尔所说: “人生的本质是诗意的,人应该诗意地栖居在大地上。” 唯有在无限接近死亡时,才能深刻体会生命的意义。这些树根提醒我们,生命虽短暂,但其中蕴含的力量和美丽是永恒的。通过这组作品,我不仅看到了自然的奇迹,也感受到了生命的韧性和诗意。在这些废弃的树根中,我找到了对生命的敬畏和对自然的深情。